电子信箱: douliqian@smxjjl.com
(1) 2024.07-至今 bet365官网电气bet365官网与信息工程学院,控制理论与控制工程,教授,博士生导师
(2) 2011.07-2024.06 bet365官网电气bet365官网与信息工程学院,控制理论与控制工程,副教授
(3) 2016.05-2017.05 英国曼彻斯特大学电气与电子工程学院,国家公派访问学者
(4) 2008.03-2011.06 bet365官网电气与bet365官网工程学院,控制理论与控制工程,讲师
(5) 2002.09-2008.03 bet365官网电气与bet365官网工程学院,控制理论与控制工程,硕士、博士
(6) 1999.09-2002.07 天津电力公司 助理工程师
(7) 1995.09-1999.07 bet365官网电气与bet365官网工程学院,工业bet365官网专业,本科
(1) 高超声速飞行器建模与控制
(2) 无人系统自主规划
(3) 多无人机自主通信与协同控制
(4) 智能控制方法
(1) 2024.01~2027.12国家自然科学基金,62373268,“面向突防的高超声速飞行器多机多向协同控制策略”项目负责人
(2) 2019.01~2022.12国家自然科学基金,61873340,“面向机动飞行的变进气道高超声速飞行器协调控制策略”项目负责人
(3) 2019.01~2020.12国防科技重点实验室基金,“基于深度迁移学习的故障诊断与容错控制研究”项目负责人
(4) 2018.01~2019.12教育部联合基金,“无人蜂群自主通信与智能自主协同控制技术”,项目负责人
(5) 2017.10~2019.09航空基金,“高超声速飞行器自适应协调控制策略研究”,项目负责人
(1) Hui Yu, Liqian Dou, Xiuyun Zhang, Jinna Li, Qun Zong. Safe Reinforcement Learning: Optimal Formation Control With Collision Avoidance of Multiple Satellite Systems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2025, 55(1):447-459.
(2) Liu Da, Dou Liqian, Zhang, Ruilong, Zhang Xiuyun,Zong, Qun. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Coordinated Dynamic Task Allocation for Heterogenous UAVs. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023, 72(4):4372-4383.
(3) Tang Yifan. Dou Liqian, Zhang Ruilong, Zhang Xiuyun, Cai Siyuan. Adaptive dynamic programming based fault tolerant control of multi-UAV formation system. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2024
(4) Da Liu; Qun Zong; Wenjing Liu; Liqian Dou; Enhancing Space-Based Situational Awareness: Real-Time Observation of Dynamic Targets With Meta-Cooperative-Scheduling Net, IEEE Transactions on aerospace and electronic systems, 2024, 60(6):8198-8211.
(5) Liu Da; Zong Qun, Zhang Xiuyun, Zhang Ruilong, Dou Liqian. Game of Drones: Intelligent Online Decision Making of Multi-UAV Confrontation IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2024, 8(2), 2086-2100.
(6) Zhang Ruilong, Zong Qun, Zhang Xiuyun, Dou Liqian, Tian, Bailing. Game of Drones: Multi-UAV Pursuit-Evasion Game with Online Motion Planning by Deep Reinforcement Learning.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System, 2023, 34(10), 7900-7909.
(7) Zhang Xiuyun, Zong Qun, Dou Liqian, Tian Bailing,Liu, Wenjing.Finite-Time Attitude Optimization Maneuver Control for Coupled Spacecraft Under Attitude Measurement Errors and Actuator Faults. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems, 2023, 53(5):3082-3091.
(8) Liqian Dou, Siyuan Cai, Xiuyun Zhang, Xiaotong Su. Event-triggered-based adaptive dynamic programming for distributed formation control of multi-UAV. Journal of The Franklin Institute- Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2022, 359(8): 3671-3691.
(9) Dou Liqian, Li Yiqun; Du Miaomiao, Zhang Xiuyun. A composite controller design using an adaptive internal type-2 fuzzy logic system and the fixed-time disturbance observer for an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle with a variable geometry inlet. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering,2022, 236(16): 3444-3456.
(10) Dou Liqian, Su Xiaotong, Zhao Xinyi, et al. Robust tracking control of quadrotor via on policy adaptive dynamic programming[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021. 31(7): 2509-2525.
(11) Zhang Xiuyun, Zong Qun, Dou Liqian, Zhang Ruilong, Tian Bailing. Finite-Time Distributed Attitude Synchronization for Multiple Spacecraft with Angular Velocity and Input Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 2021, 30(4), 1612-1624.
(12) Zhang Ruilong, Zong Qun , Dou Liqian. Hybrid deep neural network using transfer learning for EEG motor imagery decoding[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2021, 63:102144.
(13) Zhu Wanwan, Zong Qun, Dou Liqian, et al. Finite‐time attitude tracking control and vibration suppression for flexible spacecraft[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021. 31(7): 2674-2689.
(14) Dou Liqian, Du Miaomiao, Mao Qi, et al. Finite-time nonsingular terminal sliding mode control-based fuzzy smooth-switching coordinate strategy for AHV-VGI[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 106, 106080, 1-11
(15) Qi Mao, Liqian Dou, Zhenshu Yang, Bailing Tian. Fuzzy disturbance observer-based adaptive sliding mode control for reusable launch vehicles with aeroservoelastic characteristic. IEEE Transactions on Industrial informatics, 2020, 16(2):1214-1223
(16) Xiuyun Zhang, Qun Zong, Liqian Dou, Wenjing Liu. Finite-time Attitude Maneuvering and Vibration Suppression of Flexible Spacecraft. Journal of The Franklin Institute- Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2020, 357(16): 11604-11628.
(17) Xiuyun Zhang, Qun Zong, Liqian Dou, Wenjing Liu. Improved finite-time command filtered backstepping fault-tolerant control for flexible hypersonic vehicle. Journal of The Franklin Institute- Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2020, 357(13): 8543-8565
(18) Dou Liqian, Yang Chuang, Wang Dandan, et al. Distributed finite‐time formation control for multiple quadrotors via local communications[J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2019,29(16): 5588-5608.
(19) Ruilong Zhang, Qun Zong, Liqian Dou.A novel hybrid deep learning scheme for four-class motor imagery classification, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2019,16(6):1-12
(20) Na Xing, Qun Zong, Liqian Dou, Bailing Tian and Qing Wang. A Game Theoretic Approach for Mobility Prediction Clustering in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks[J], IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019,68(10):9963-9973.
(21) Qi Mao, Liqian Dou, Qun Zong and Zhengtao Ding. Attitude control design for reusable launch vehicles using adaptive fuzzy control with compensation controller [J].Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering,2019, 233(3): 823-836.
(22) Qi Mao, Liqian Dou, Qun Zong, Zhengtao Ding. Attitude controller design for reusable launch vehicles during reentry phase via compound adaptive fuzzy H-infinity control[J]. Aerospace Science &Technology, 2018, 72:36-48.
(23) Liqian Dou, Jingqi Gao, Qun Zong, Zhengtao Ding, Modeling and switching control of air-breathing hypersonic vehicle with variable geometry inlet,Journal of The Franklin Institute- Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2018, 355(15): 6904-6926.
(24) Liqian Dou, Peihua Su, Qun Zong, Zhengtao Ding. Fuzzy disturbance observer-based dynamic surface control for air-breathing hypersonic vehicle with variable geometry inlets[J]. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2018, 12(1), 10-19.
(25) Qi Mao, Liqian Dou, Bailing Tian, Qun Zong. Reentry attitude control for a reusable launch vehicle with aeroservoelastic model using type-2 adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2018, 28(18):5858–5875.
(26) Liqian Dou, Peihua Su, Zhengtao Ding. Modeling and nonlinear control for air-breathing hypersonic vehicle with variable geometry inlet[J]. Aerospace Science & Technology, 2017,67:422-432.
(27) Liqian Dou, Ran Ji, Jingqi Gao. Identification of nonlinear aeroelastic system using fuzzy wavelet neural network[J]. Neurocomputing,2016,214:935-943.
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(1) 计算机控制理论与应用(本科生)
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(1) 2023:天津市科学技术进步二等奖, 无人集群自主规划与协同控制技术及其应用
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